Біздің инстаграмға жазылыңыз, гранттық байқаудың нәтижелерін жіберіп алмау үшін!
Халықаралық Бизнес Стратегиялар
This course examines the theories as well as empirical evidence on the patterns of doing business internationally, which is mandatory in professional life The course engages intensive study and critical examination of current international business patterns and the social systems within countries and how these systems affect the conduct of business. Students learn the major theories explaining international business transactions and the institutions influencing the activities. Students will gain an understanding of the concerns and management of international activities. The course will provide insight into the variety of ways in which international business may evolve in the future in the context of changing markets.
Образовательная программа 8D04107 Іскерлік әкімшілігін жүргізу
Несиелер 5
Селективті тәртіп
Оқу жылы 1
Семестр 2