Кеден сараптамасын жүргізудің ерекшеліктері (ағылшын тілінде)

  • Customs expertise is a special scientific and practical study conducted by experts to solve customs problems - fiscal, control, economic, law enforcement, statistical and protective nature, requiring a variety of examinations, which require special knowledge in the field of science, technology, or craft. Customs examination is carried out both at the premises of the organization conducting the customs examination and outside it, if necessary, taking into account the specifics of the study or the inability to deliver the object of customs examination. The procedure for carrying out customs examination is determined by the decision of the Commission. When conducting a study of two or more objects of customs examination, which requires the use of comparative (comparative) research methods and the use of various scientific and technical means, which is long in time, the period of customs examination is extended with the written permission of the head of the organization conducting the customs examination or his deputy, with the reasons for such an extension for a period not exceeding the period of temporary storage of goods, if the release of goods is not carried out until receipt results of customs examination.
  • Образовательная программа 6B04211 Кеден ісі
  • ВУЗ
  • Несиелер 4
  • Селективті тәртіп