Біздің инстаграмға жазылыңыз, гранттық байқаудың нәтижелерін жіберіп алмау үшін!
Өнеркәсіптің экономикасы
The purpose of mastering the discipline is the formation of knowledge of the complex solution of economic problems of the development of economic activity of industrial enterprises, the acquisition of the ability to independently understand the changing market conditions. The economic aspects of product quality, investments, fixed and working capital of the enterprise, personnel, labor productivity, wages are studied. The main technical and economic indicators of production, assessment and analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise.
Образовательная программа 6B07501 Өнеркәсіптік инженерия
Несиелер 5
Селективті тәртіп
Оқу жылы 3