Біздің инстаграмға жазылыңыз, гранттық байқаудың нәтижелерін жіберіп алмау үшін!
Бизнес зерттеулер әдістері
This course develops conceptual frameworks in research methodologies and emphasizes business applications of modern software in research design. Main themes of this course are role of business research, acquiring research skills in both qualitative and quantitative aspects of analysis. Students will be exposed to survey instrument design, questionnaire design, sampling methods, data collection and research design, basic inference analysis, research ethics, exploratory research, qualitative analysis, measurement and scaling of data attributes as well as business applications and interpretation of statistical techniques.
Образовательная программа 8D04104 Экономика
Несиелер 5
Оқу жылы 1
Семестр 1