Біздің инстаграмға жазылыңыз, гранттық байқаудың нәтижелерін жіберіп алмау үшін!
Маркетингтегі заманауи ғылыми зерттеулер
The main objective of this course is to provide a broad overview of contemporary marketing research topics. By emphasizing current trends and emerging issues in marketing research, the course provides doctoral students with relevant theoretical and methodological tools required for conducting high quality theoretical and empirical research in marketing, and other related fields. The course exposes students to a wide range of topics, including cross-cultural marketing, digital marketing, consumer behavior, brand management, Marketing Communications, Marketing Research, Strategic Marketing, etc.
Образовательная программа 8D04107 Іскерлік әкімшілігін жүргізу
Несиелер 5
Оқу жылы 1
Семестр 1