Фольклорлық аспаптарды игеру (Жетіген)- 1 (домбыра, қобыз-баян)

  • The content of the discipline is aimed at teaching students the basics of practical playing in the zhetygen, as well as studying the history of the emergence and development of Kazakh folklore instruments. The following tasks are solved: study of the main methods and techniques of playing the zhetygen; practical mastering of the repertoire; acquaintance with the principles and methods of using zhetygen in orchestral and ensemble practice. As a result of mastering the course, the student has additional musical and performing competence; knows the history of the emergence and development of Kazakh folklore instruments, the principles and structure of the classification of instruments; has practical skills of playing the zhetygen.
  • Несиелер 3
  • Селективті тәртіп
  • Оқу жылы 4
  • Семестр 1