Біздің инстаграмға жазылыңыз, гранттық байқаудың нәтижелерін жіберіп алмау үшін!
Қаржы институттарын басқару
This course focuses on understanding of the major financial institutions and the competitive and regulatory environment in which they operate. Special emphasis is placed on the operations and financial management of institutions such as the central bank, commercial banks, investment banks, pension funds, mutual funds and insurance companies. The course covers issues related to management of liquidity, loan portfolio, and capital, as well as various forms of risks faced by intermediaries and the trade-offs required to balance portfolio risks and returns.
Образовательная программа 7M04108 Іскерлік әкімшілігін жүргізу
Несиелер 5
Селективті тәртіп