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Теория управления и организации
The objectives of this course are to (1) familiarize student with seminal works and theories of management and organization studies, (2) identify the research gaps in existing literature and recommend future research opportunities. The student will study elements of theory and model development from macro and macro perspectives. The intent will be to understand how these different concepts of modern business organizations are meant and shape the generalist point of view into management theory and practice in both a national and global context. The classical management theories, cultural theories, institutional theories, regulation theories, modernism and post-modernism debate, Fordism, Toyotaism, TQM, Six Sigma, Lean Production, etc. will be included in this course. Further it will look into grounded theory approach to understand the development of new theories and approaches in management and organization analysis.
Образовательная программа 8D04107 Деловое администрирование
Кредитов 5
Год обучения 1
Семестр 1