Действующая образовательная программа

7M04101 Государственное и местное управление в Университет «КИМЭП»

  • Цель образовательной программы Цель программы - подготовить выпускников к карьере на руководящих должностях и этической службе в общественных, некоммерческих и коммерческих организациях. ППС программы стремятся продемонстрировать ценность высококачественного, основанного на исследованиях преподавания государственного управления, политики и менеджмента в Казахстане и Центрально-Азиатском регионе.
  • Академическая степень Магистратура
  • Языки обучения Английский
  • Название ВУЗа Университет «КИМЭП»
  • Срок обучения 1,5 года
  • Объем кредитов 90
  • Группа образовательных программ M071 Государственное и местное управление
  • Область образования 7M04 Бизнес, управление и право
  • Направление подготовки 7M041 Бизнес и управление
  • Профессиональный иностранный язык
    Кредитов: 2

    This course is designed to prepare you for the writing of a masters thesis by addressing the challenges common to graduate research writing. Students will learn how to analyze and present valid arguments. Practice includes developing writing skills that enable students to clearly present claims to support their conclusions and avoid reinforcing biases. Topics addressed include the relationship between critical thinking and clear writing, credibility of sources, rhetorical devices, fallacies, unclear or misleading language, and the characteristics of various types of arguments.

  • Изучение государства с точки зрения экономики
    Кредитов: 5

    This course is about economic issues concerning the public sector and its interface with the private sector in a mixed economy. It examines the free market as the basis for the allocation of scarce resources (market governance) and identifies the causes of market failure that may justify intervention by the state (state governance). It considers the role, scope and capacity of government in terms of the protection and promotion of welfare of society in the face of market instabilities, market inefficiencies, and market inequalities and injustices.

    Селективная дисциплина
    Год обучения - 1
  • Исследовательские методы для социальных наук
    Кредитов: 5

    This course gives an overview of the methodological basis of the social sciences. Students are introduced to logical reasoning and to concepts such as causality and statistical inference. The course also covers methods in applied research, drawing on examples of current research papers. Its purpose is to prepare the students for writing a master thesis.

    Год обучения - 1
  • Экономика государственного сектора
    Кредитов: 4

    This course focuses on the role of the government in the economy. It discusses how the government affects the economy, what the government should and should not do, and why. It addresses the range of questions of why some economic activities are undertaken in the public sector, and others are in the private sector. Students will study the size and scope of the public sector in selected countries, and will explore the reasons of why there are substantial differences in government sector activities in countries around the world. While the main goal of the course is to develop students’ critical thinking about the government involvement in the economy, students will study reasons for government intervention such as a market failure, public goods, government redistribution programs, and government taxation policies.

    Селективная дисциплина
    Год обучения - 1
  • Исследовательские методы и статистика
    Кредитов: 4

    The purpose of this course is to introduce students and practitioners to some of the basic research methods and statistical concepts and issues in public administration as they relate to problems that typically exist within public agencies. All statistical techniques used by public administration professionals are covered by integrating both quantitative and qualitative approaches to research. Emphasis will be on the use of commonly available statistical software programs such as Excel and SPSS. The course’s overall aim is to develop effective, efficient research skills among future public administrators so that they will be better policy makers and good administrators.

    Селективная дисциплина
    Год обучения - 1
  • Введение в Государственное Управление
    Кредитов: 4

    This is an introductory course for all MPA students. The main goal of this course is to present students with a basic and yet comprehensive understanding of the field of public administration. Students will be acquainted with various terms, definitions, theories, concepts and models used in the field. It also covers aspects of public management, such as strategic management, performance management, and organizational behavior. At the end of the course, students should have a clear understanding about the processes and mechanisms of public decision-making and implementation.

    Селективная дисциплина
    Год обучения - 1
  • Анализ Государственной Политики
    Кредитов: 5

    The objective of this course is to develop students’ capacity to conceptualize policy issues and problems, devise strategies for addressing them, and comprehend policy documents. Students will gain an understanding of what is involved in studying public policy, how the political, social, cultural and the social contexts shape public policy, and how public policies are typically made, implemented and evaluated.

    Год обучения - 1
  • Организационное Поведение
    Кредитов: 5

    The course is concerned with studying individual, groups, and organizational factors influencing the operation of government agencies and nonprofit organizations. It will examine explanations of individual behavior (perceptions, attributions, motivations, attitudes); the nature of human behavior in groups (group dynamics, power, leadership); and organizational structures and processes that affect human behavior (organizational and job design, communication, performance appraisal).

    Год обучения - 1
  • Менеджмент для факультета социальных наук
    Кредитов: 2

    This course deals with the functions of management of organizations. It analyses organizational structure, motivation and incentive conflicts, human resources and compensation schemes, organizational culture and ethics.

    Год обучения - 1
  • Оценка проектов и управление в государственном секторе
    Кредитов: 4

    This course is designed to help students enhance their skills in project evaluation and management. This course emphasizes the practice and process of project evaluation. In the course, we will not only develop an understanding of why projects fail, but also how they can succeed. The course provides practical tools, techniques and best practices adapted to the local environment. Students will be accompanied and supervised throughout all stages of the evaluation process. No previous experience with evaluation research and empirical or qualitative data analysis is required.

    Селективная дисциплина
    Год обучения - 1
  • Финансово-Бюджетное Управление
    Кредитов: 5

    The focus of this course is the study of the budget cycle, legislative control of the budget and the politics of the budgetary process; market failure and the role of government; fiscal and monetary policies; types of public budget formats; program design, planning, and evaluation; cash management, risk management, and pension funds.

    Год обучения - 1
  • Психология для факультета социальных наук
    Кредитов: 2

    This course gives an introduction to psychology and its applications to learning, management and interpersonal relations. It gives an overview of the interconnection between psychology and economics covering such topics as consumer choice, happiness measures, social preferences and behavioral approaches to policy and finance.

    Год обучения - 1
  • Реформа государственного сектора
    Кредитов: 5

    The focus of this course is on the changing role of the public sector in the context of globalization and marketization trends in the contemporary political-economic environment. Students will explore issues related to allocative, distributive and stabilizing role of the state in the market economy. Among issues to be discussed will be questions of scale and scope of the public sector, public and private sector competition and partnership, the role of quasi-autonomous organizations, and tension between majoritarian and non-majoritarian institutions.

    Селективная дисциплина
    Год обучения - 1
  • PR менеджмент и стратегии
    Кредитов: 5

    The course introduces the management function of PR, the process of research, planning, communication and evaluation in the field. The course provides students with knowledge and skills to develop strategic communication plans using PR techniques and tools. The theoretical bases of the course are symmetrical communication theory, systems, situational theory, relationship management theory, Social Exchange Theory, Social Learning Theory, , Framing Theory, Agenda Setting Theory etc.

    Селективная дисциплина
    Год обучения - 1
  • Актуальные вопросы по государственному управлению
    Кредитов: 5

    This course critically reviews the contemporary burning issues (theoretical and practical) of Public Policy and Administration in Kazakhstan and elsewhere from a multidimensional point of view. The primary goal is to help students develop a deeper theoretical understanding of the contemporary administrative and policy issues and grasp the real-world implications of these issues and thereby providing them with skills to develop as successful, socially productive professionals.

    Селективная дисциплина
    Год обучения - 2
  • Административная Этика
    Кредитов: 5

    Селективная дисциплина
    Год обучения - 2
  • Социальная Политика
    Кредитов: 5

    This course introduces students to the concepts, history, and development of social policy, the funding authority and patterns of service delivery, and how political and social ideologies influence policy development. It shows that policy is a function of social, political, and economic context and transitions. An analytic framework is utilized to identify trends and assess gaps in policies and programs, especially as they impact on women, child support enforcement, nutrition programs, and medical care.

    Селективная дисциплина
    Год обучения - 2
  • Политические Коммуникации
    Кредитов: 5

    This interactive course will introduce and explain the principles and practices of communication in a variety of political contexts, such as election advertisements, constituent newsletters, and speeches. Since students could use such communication in many contexts, it will focus as much as possible on Kazakhstan but will be based on international concepts and activities. We will cover, but also challenge, basic ideas about the many sub-topics.

    Селективная дисциплина
    Год обучения - 2
  • Государственность и Развитие
    Кредитов: 5

    Селективная дисциплина
    Год обучения - 2
  • Корпоративная социальная ответственность и государственная политика
    Кредитов: 5

    This course critically examines a host of issues related to key public policies and policy instruments which are used for promoting CSR locally and globally, relationship between government and business, public policy and business social responsibility. Students will critically evaluate the ways in which national and multinational corporations affect large-scale changes in societies via their practices. This course will also focus on the origins of CSR, its meaning and motivations, the relationships between business and its internal and external stakeholders as they impact public policy

    Селективная дисциплина
    Год обучения - 2
  • Код ON1

    Описание и анализ основных свойств государственного сектора, его теоретических основ и связь сектора с правительством, гражданским обществом и рынком, и как он может быть организован институционально.

  • Код ON2

    Описание, анализ и оценка экономических перспектив правительства, государственной политики, государственного бюджета и управления государственными финансами

  • Код ON3

    Описание и применение концепций и теорий этики применительно к государственному сектору.

  • Код ON4

    Описание, оценка и сравнение общественных организаций, их руководства и лидеров, а также оценка влияния организационной структуры, культуры и лидерства на организационные изменения и производительность.

  • Код ON5

    Анализ и оценка проектов и управления с использованием необходимых когнитивных, самоуправленческих и межличностных навыков.

  • Код ON6

    Описание, разбор и применение основных концепций и теорий государственной политики и анализа.

  • Код ON7

    Проведение независимых исследований под надзором научного руководителя, включая синтез и применение теоретических конструкций к темам в области государственного управления, политики, менеджмента.

  • Код ON8

    Использование информационных технологий для поиска, анализа и представления информации.

  • Код ON9

    Эффективная работа в группе для достижения общих целей.

  • Код ON10

    Четкойи эффективно передавать идей и информации на письменном и устном английском языке
