Мамандыққа кіріспе

  • The purpose of the discipline is to familiarize students with the basics and key aspects of information technology, as well as to prepare them for a deeper study of specific aspects of IT. Here are some of the main goals of this discipline: Introduction to the field of IT: The primary goal is to provide students with an overview of the field of information technology, including its history, development, current trends and prospects. Identification of professional interests: The discipline helps students to determine their interests and priorities in the field of IT, which can contribute to the choice of future specialization. Mastering basic terms and concepts: Students learn to use basic terms and concepts specific to information technology, which helps them better understand the field. Development of computer thinking skills: The discipline promotes the development of computer thinking skills, which is important for working with information and solving various tasks. Familiarization with technical and software aspects: Students gain an understanding of the technical and software aspects of IT, including basic knowledge of hardware, operating systems, networks and programming. Preparation for deeper study of specializations: The discipline helps students to determine in which area of IT they would like to develop and prepares them for deeper study of specializations. Understanding the role of IT in the modern world: Students assess the importance of information technology in modern society and business. Preparation for the use of IT in other areas: The discipline also prepares students to use IT in other fields and professions, including healthcare, business, education and others. The overall goal of the discipline "Introduction to the specialty in IT" is to provide students with a basic understanding of information technology and its role in the modern world, which will help them make informed decisions about their future in this field.
  • Образовательная программа 6B06104 Computer Science
  • Несиелер 5
  • Оқу жылы 2
  • Семестр 3