Действующая образовательная программа

7M06131 Информационные системы (1,5) в КазУИТС


Результаты обучения

  • Synthesize communicative competencies based on international standards of foreign language education for the further development of skills and abilities of active proficiency in a foreign language in professional activities
  • To use modern educational technologies in scientific activity, systematic scientific knowledge about the theory and technology of learning and upbringing processes, as well as to analyze and design management activities and use psychological methods of management and self-management in professional activities
  • Use and develop scientific research methods in the field of IS design, apply program codes using cross-platform tools for the development of WEB applications.
  • Design and develop effective database management systems, embedded and mobile applications, create and operate corporate computing systems and networks, manage projects to create effective and competitive software products, apply modern technologies for creating complex complexes using CASE tools.
  • The ability to develop and research methods for analyzing, optimizing and predicting the quality of the processes of functioning of information systems and technologies, have the skills to program applications of business structures in modern algorithmic languages, possess practical methodologies for managing project and process activities, conduct analysis on collected data to determine requirements for software.
  • Use functional structures and design of software components of an information system, modern technologies, tools and methods of artificial intelligence, apply the principles of constructing the architecture of artificial intelligence systems and types of architectures of artificial intelligence systems, create software applications that ensure the effective functioning of the information system.
  • Apply modern mathematical models and methods in the development of software systems to solve problems in science, technology, economics and management, participate in the organization of the following types of activities: organizational-technological, calculation-design, service-operational, production-technological.
  • possess practical methodologies for managing project and process activities, software and hardware for regular communication, monitoring information on the Internet, conduct analysis of collected data to determine software requirements, know modern software applications for project management, software life cycles.